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Bremner, W. B.

    Survey of EEC solid waste arisings and performance of non-destructive assay systems : task 3, characterization of radioactive waste forms, a series of final reports (1985-89), No 51B / W. B. Bremner, D. W. Adaway, A. Yates ; Commission of the European Communities. Diectorate-General Science, Research and Development. —  Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1992. —  CIDIMA. —  VIII, 27 p. : tab. ; 30 cm. — ( Nuclear science and technology ; EUR 13918 en)
    En port.: this report was prepared for the European Atomic Energy Community´s cost-sharing research programme on radioactive waste management and disposal (task 3 - section 5)
    ISBN 92-826-3653-4
   1. Residuos radiactivos. I. Adaway, D. W.. II. Yates, A.. III. Commission of the European Communities. Diectorate-General Science, Research and Development.

000743.2.2-BRE-R. 74Histórico M.Ambiente 1956-1999Disponible