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US-Dutch International Symposium on Ozone Research and its Policy Implications (3. 1988. Nijmegen, The Netherlands)

    Atmospheric ozone research and its policy implications : proceedings of the 3rd US-Dutch international symposium, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, may 9-13, 1988 / organized by the Environmental Protection Agency, United States of America, and the Ministry of Housing, Physical Planning and Environment, The Netherlands ; edited by T. Schneider [et al.]. —  2nd reimp. —  Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1989. —  CIDIMA. —  1047 p. : gráf., tab. ; 25 cm. — ( Studies in environmental science ; 35)
    ISBN 0-444-87266-3
   1. Contaminación atmosférica.2. Capa de ozono.3. Política ambiental. I. Schneider, T., ed.. II. The Netherlands. Ministry of Housing, Physical Planning and Environment. III. United States of America. Environmental Protection Agency.

003612.4.3-USD-R. 361Histórico M.Ambiente 1956-1999Disponible