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International Symposium on Hydrology and Water Resources Education and Training (1991. Chihuahua, Mexico)

    Hydrology and water resources education, training and management : proceedings of the International symposium on hydrology and water resources education and training : the challenges to meet at the turn of the XXI century, april 15-19, 1991 and second North American water management seminar april 17, 1991 / edited by Jose A. Raynal. —  Littleton (Colorado) : Water resources publications, [1992]. —  CIDIMA. —  478 p. : il., gráf. ; 24 cm. — 
    ISBN 0-918334-73-X
   1. Hidrología.2. Educación ambiental. I. Raynal, José A., ed.. II. North American Water Management Seminar (2. 1991).

007961.1.0-HYD-R. 796Histórico M.Ambiente 1956-1999Disponible