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    Environmental data report 1993-94 / prepared for UNEP by the GEMS Monitoring and Assessment Research Centre ; in co-operation with the World Resources Institute, UK Department of the Environment. —  3rd. ed. —  Oxford : Blackwell, 1991. —  CIDIMA. —  408 p. : tab., gráf. ; 28 cm. — 
    Precede al tit.: United Nations Environment Programme
    ISBN 0-631-19043-0
   1. Información ambiental.2. Indicadores ambientales.3. Estadística ambiental.4. Informes ambientales. I. GEMS Monitoring and Assessment Research Centre. II. World Resource Institute. III. Naciones Unidas. Programa para el Medio Ambiente.

004648.6.0-ENV-R. 464Histórico M.Ambiente 1956-1999Disponible