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Comisión Europea

    The technical and economic aspects of measures to reduce water pollution caused by the discharges from the pulp and paper industry : final report / Commission of the European Communities ; Cowiconsult. Consulting Engineers and Planners AS. —  Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1993. —  CIDIMA. —  viii, 179 p. ; 30 cm. — 
    ISBN 92-826-5891-0
   1. Industria papelera.2. Contaminación del agua.3. Control de la contaminación.4. Tratamiento del agua.5. Aguas residuales industriales. I. Cowiconsult. Consulting Engineers and Planners AS.

0088111.1.0-TEC-R. 881Histórico M.Ambiente 1956-1999Disponible