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Registros encontrados: 4 Total Páginas: 1
1        Air pollution control / Paul N. Cheremisinoff, editor ; in collaboration with B. W. Boreham [et al.] . —  Houston : Gulf Publishing, [1989]. —  1066 p. : il., gráf., tab. ; 24 cm. —  ( Encyclopedia of environmental control technology ; 2) img
2        Hazardous waste containment and treatment / Paul N. Cheremisinoff, editor ; R. C. Ahlert ... [et al.] . —  Houston : Gulf Publishing, [1990]. —  764 p. : il., tab., gráf. ; 24 cm. —  ( Encyclopedia of environmental control technology ; 4) img
3        Thermal treatment of hazardous wastes / Paul N. Cheremisinoff, editor ; in collaboration with S. S. Alves ... [et al.] . —  Houston : Gulf Publishing, [1989]. —  827 p. : il., gráf., tab. ; 24 cm. —  ( Encyclopedia of environmental control technology ; 1) img
4        Wastewater treatment technology / Paul N. Cheremisinoff, editor ; in collaboration W. Banning [et al.] . —  Houston : Gulf Publishing, [1989]. —  684 p. : il., gráf., tab. ; 24 cm. —  ( Encyclopedia of environmental control technology ; 3) img
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