| 1 |
| A review of environmental health impacts in developing country cities / David John Bradley ... [et al.] . — Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 1992. — 57 p. ; 28 cm. — ( Urban management program) |
| 2 |
| Air pollution and human cancer / L. Tomatis, editor . — Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag, [1990]. — 86 p. : fig., tab. ; 29 cm. — ( Monographs / European School of Oncology) | |
| 3 |
| Air pollution, the automobile and public health / editors Ann Y. Watson, Richard R. Bates, Donald Kennedy . — Washington : National Academy press, 1988. — 692 p. : gráf., tab. ; 26 cm. — |
| 4 |
| Air, Water, & Waste Technologies Conference & Exposition (1991. Detroit, Michigan) Air, water & waste technologies´91 : the environmental management conference & exposition : proceeding of the ESD / MAWMA / MIHS, AWAWT´91 conference & exposition, november 11-14, 1991, Detroit, Michigan . Volume IV Hazardous waste management and hazardous materials health & safety / organized by Air & Waste Management Association, ESD. The Engineering Society, The Michigan Industrial Hygiene Society . — Detroit : ESD. The Engineering Society, 1991. — 169 p. : gráf. ; 28 cm. — | |
| 5 |
| Master Executive MBA Sector Metal - FEMETAL (2008-2009, Asturias) Argos i-care : soluciones tecnológicas para la salud / Rubén Álvarez de la Roz, Manuel Braña García, Silvia Mateos Coello, Ramón Sánchez Heres, Francisco Suárez Cañón ; [tutor del proyecto, Fernando Moroy] . — 1 v. (pag. var.) : gráf. ; 30 cm + 1 CD-ROM. — | |
| 6 |
| Cantonnet Jordi, María Luisa El benchmarking o las mejores prácticas en la gestión de la seguridad y la salud laboral / María Luisa Cantonnet Jordi y Miren Gurutze Intxaurburu Clemente . — | |
| 7 |
| Ashford, Nicholas A. Chemical exposures : low levels and high stakes / Nicholas A. Ashford, Claudia S. Miller . — New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold, [1991]. — 214 p. : tab., gráf. ; 24 cm. — |
| 8 |
| Chemical, microbiological, health and comfort aspects of indoor air quality state of the art in SBS / edited by Helmut Knöppel, Peder Wolkoff . — Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, [1992]. — 378 p. : gráf., tab. ; 25 cm. — ( Euro courses : Chemical and environmental science ;
4) |
| 9 |
| Organización Mundial de la Salud Clase de vida y riesgos para la salud en el lugar de trabajo / O.M.S. Europa ; Instituto Nacional de Medicina y Seguridad del Trabajo España . — Dinamarca : FADL/Villadsen & Christensen, [1991?]. — 52 p. ; 30 cm. — ( Salud laboral europea ;
2) |
| 10 |
| Organización Mundial de la Salud Clase de vida y riesgos para la salud en el lugar de trabajo / O.M.S. Europa ; Instituto Nacional de Medicina y Seguridad del Trabajo España . — Dinamarca : FADL/Villadsen & Christensen, [1991?]. — 52 p. ; 30 cm. — ( Salud laboral europea ;
2) |
| 11 |
| Control del riesgo químico de sustancias y preparados peligrosos : manual de buenas prácticas / Instituto de Salud Pública, Consejería de Sanidad y Consumo, Comunidad de Madrid . — [Madrid : Instituto de Salud Pública], 2004. — 109 p. ; 24 cm. — ( Documentos de sanidad ambiental) | |
| 12 |
| Wokutch, Richard E. Cooperation and conflict in occupational safety and health : a multination study of the automotive industry / Richard E. Wokutch . — New York : Praeger, 1990. — 317 p. ; 24 cm. — |
| 13 |
| Holmes, J. M. Countermeasures to airborne hazardous chemical / J. M. Holmes, C. H. Byers . — New Jersey : Noyes data corporation, [1990]. — 330 p. ; 24 cm. — ( Pollution technology review ;
182) |
| 14 |
| Enviroment and health / European Environment Agency . — Copenhagen : EEA, 2005. — 35 p. : gráf. ; 30 cm. — ( EEA Report ;
10/2005) |
| 15 |
| Salvato, Joseph A. Environmental engineering and sanitation / Joseph A. Salvato . — 4th ed. — New York : John Wiley & Sons, [1992]. — 1418 p. : il., gráf. ; 24 cm. — ( Environmental science and technology) |
| 16 |
| Environmental epidemiology : public health and hazardous wastes . Volume 1 / Committee on Environmental Epidemiology, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council . — Washington, D.C. : National Academy Press, 1991. — 282 p. : fig. ; 24 cm. — |
| 17 |
| Moeller, Dade W. Environmental health / Dade W. Moeller . — Cambridge : Harvard University, [1992]. — 332 p. : fig., gráf., tab. ; 24 cm. — |
| 18 |
| Listorti, James A. Environmental health components for water supply, sanitation, and urban projects / James A. Listorti . — 2nd reimp. — Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 1993. — 142 p. : tab. ; 27 cm. — ( World Bank technical paper ;
121) | |
| 19 |
| Environmental management in the electronic industry : semiconductor manufacture and assembly / United Nations Industrial Development Organization, United Nations Environment Programme. Industry and Environment . — Vienna : UNIDO ; Paris : UNEP, 1994. — 161 p. : il., tab. ; 30 cm. — ( Technical report / UNEP ;
23) | |
| 20 |
| Epidemiología laboral / Antonio de la Iglesia Huertas ... [et al.] . — Madrid : Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, [1992]. — 269 p. : gráf. ; 24 cm. — | |