| 1 |
| El agua en la economía española: situación y perspectivas . — [Madrid] : Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino, Centro de Publicaciones, 2008. — 320 p. ; 30 cm. — ( Monografías) | |
| 2 |
| Air pollution by ozone in Europe in summer 2003 : overview of exceedances of EC ozone threshold values during the summer season april-august 2003 and comparisons with previous years / prepared by: Jaroslav Fiala ... [et al.] ; European Environment Agency . — Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2003. — 26 p. : il. ; 30 cm. — ( Topic report ;
3) |
| 3 |
| An agenda of science for environment and development into 21 century : based on a conference held in Vienna, Austria in november 1991 / edited by J. C. I. Dooge [et al.] ; compiled by M. Brennan . — New York : Cambridge University press, 1992. — 331 p. : gráf., tab. ; 30 cm. — |
| 4 |
| Anuario Fungesma del medio ambiente en España 2002 / Pedro Costa Morata, director ; Luis Merino Ruesga, coordinador ; Gloria Llopis López, redactora, Josu Martínez Serrano, redactor . — Madrid : Fungesma, [2002]. — 312 p. ; 30 cm. — | |
| 5 |
| Anuario Fungesma del medio ambiente en España 2003 / Pedro Costa Morata, coordinador ; Luis Merino Ruesga, responsable editorial ; Gloria Llopis López, redactora ; Josu Martínez Serrano, redactor . — Madrid : Fungesma, [2003]. — 318 p. ; 30 cm. — | |
| 6 |
| El Banco Mundial y el medio ambiente : ejercicio 1992 / Banco Mundial . — 1ª imp. en español. — Washington : Banco Mundial, 1992. — 177 p. ; 23 cm. — | |
| 7 |
| International Energy Agency Energy policies of IEA countries : Spain 2001 review . — Paris : IEA Publications, 2001. — 126 p. ; 30 cm. — |
| 8 |
| Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente Environment in the European Union 1995 : report for the review of the fifth environmental action programme / prepared by European Environment Agency in cooperation with Eurostat ; edited by Keimpe Wieringa . — Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, [1995]. — IX, 151 p. : tab., il. ; 28 cm. — |
| 9 |
| Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente Environment in the European Union 1995 : report for the review of the fifth environmental action programme / prepared by European Environment Agency in cooperation with Eurostat ; edited by Keimpe Wieringa . — Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, [1995]. — IX, 151 p. : tab., il. ; 28 cm. — |
| 10 |
| Environmental data report 1993-94 / prepared for UNEP by the GEMS Monitoring and Assessment Research Centre ; in co-operation with the World Resources Institute, UK Department of the Environment . — 3rd. ed. — Oxford : Blackwell, 1991. — 408 p. : tab., gráf. ; 28 cm. — |
| 11 |
| Organización de Cooperación y Desarrollo Económico Environmental performance in OECD countries : progress in the 1990s / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development . — Paris : OECD, [1996]. — 66 p. : gráf. ; 27 cm. — |
| 12 |
| Environmental profile of Spain 2004 : an indicator-based report / [elaborado por la Subdirección General de Calidad del Aire y Prevención de Riesgos, Dirección General de Calidad y Evaluación Ambiental] . — [Madrid] : Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, 2005. — 235 p. ; 25 cm + 1 CD-ROM. — |
| 13 |
| Environmental profile of Spain 2005 : an indicator-based report / [elaborado por la Subdirección General de Calidad del Aire y Prevención de Riesgos, Dirección General de Calidad y Evaluación Ambiental] . — [Madrid] : Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, 2006. — 297 p. : il., gráf. ; 25 cm + 1 CD-ROM. — | |
| 14 |
| European environment outlook / European Environment Agency . — Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2005. — 87 p. ; 30 cm. — ( EEA report ;
4/2005) |
| 15 |
| European Commission Europe´s environment : statistical compendium for the Dobrís assessment / compiled jointly by Eurostat [et. al.] . — Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1995. — 455 p. ; 30 cm. — ( Yearbooks and yearly statistics) |
| 16 |
| Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente Europe´s environment: the second assessment : a report on the changes in the pan-European environment as a follow-up to ´Europe´ Environment: The Dobris Assessment´ (1995), requested by the environment Ministers for the whole of Europe to prepare for the fourth ministerial conference in Aarhus, Denmark, June 1998 / European Environment Agency . — Luxembourg ; Oxford : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities ; Elsevier Science, [1998]. — 293 p. : fig., gráf., tab. ; 30 cm. — |
| 17 |
| Weizsäcker, Ernest Ulrich von Factor 4 : duplicar el bienestar con la mitad de los recursos naturales : informe al Club de Roma / Ernest Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Amory B. Lovins, L. Hunter Lovins ; traducción de Adan Kovacsics . — Barcelona : Círculo de Lectores ; Galaxia Gutenberg, [1997]. — 429 p. ; 22 cm. — | |
| 18 |
| Green globe yearbook 1993 : an independent publication on environment and development from the Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Norway / editors Helge Ole Bergesen, Georg Parmann ; executive secretaru Oystein B. Thommessen . — Oxford : Oxford University press, [1993]. — 271 p. : tab., il. ; 26 cm. — |
| 19 |
| IFC and the environmental : annual review 1992 / International Finance Corporation . — Washington : International Finance Corporation, [1992]. — 75 p. ; 23 cm. — |
| 20 |
| Fundación Entorno, Empresa y Medio Ambiente Informe 2001 de la gestión medioambiental en la empresa española : informe actualizado del libro blanco de la gestión ambiental de la industria española / Fundación Entorno, Empresa y Medio Ambiente ; elaborado por Inima Servicios Europeos de Medio Ambiente, SigmaDos-Quota Unión ; con la colaboración del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología . — Madrid : Fundación Entorno, Empresa y Medio Ambiente, 2001. — 215 p. ; 24 cm. — | |