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Registros encontrados: 6967 Total Páginas: 349
6301        Technical and economic aspects of measures to reduce water pollution caused by the discharge of certain organophosphorous compounds : dichlorvos (no. 70) / Haskoning Royal Dutch Consulting Engineers and Architects ; Commission des Communautés Européennes. Direction Générale Environnement. Securite Nucleaire et Protection Civile . —  Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1994. —  xv, 51 p. : il., tab. ; 30 cm. — img
6302        Technical and economic aspects of measures to reduce water pollution caused by the discharge of dibutyltin compounds : tributlyltinchloride, tributyltinfluoride, tributyltinoxide (no. 115), tributyltinbenzoate, tributyltinlinoleate, tributyltinnaphthenate, tributyltinphosphate, tributyltinmetharcrylate (methylmethacrylate) / Haskoning Royal Dutch Consulting Engineers and Architects ; Commission des Communautés Européenes. Direction Générale Environment. Securite Nucleaire et Protection Civile . —  Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1994. —  60 p. : il., gráf., tab. ; 30 cm. — img
6303        Technical and economic aspects of water pollution abatement measures for discharge from dry cleaning firms : final report / Organisation & Environnement ; Commission des Communautés Européenes. Direction Générale Environment. Securite Nucleaire et Protection Civile . —  Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1994. —  60 p. ; 30 cm. — img
6304        Technical change and industrial relations : a study of the relations between technical change and the social structure of a large steelworks / W. H. Scott ... [et al.] . —  Liverpool : University, 1956. —  336 p. ; 22 cm. —  ( Social research)
6305     Comisión Europea
    Technical note on best available technologies not entailing excessive cost for the manufacture, storage and handling of benzene / Commission of the European Communities. Directorate-General Environment. Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection . —  Luxembourg : Comission of the European Communities, 1990. —  21 p. ; 30 cm. —  ( Environment and quality of life)
6306     Comisión Europea
    Technical note on best available tecnologies not entailing excessive cost for ammonia production / Commission of the European Communities. Directorate-General Environment. Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection . —  Luxembourg : Comission of the European Communities, 1990. —  37 p. ; 30 cm. —  ( Environment and quality of life)
6307     Comisión Europea
    Technical note on best available tecnologies not entailing excessive cost for nitric acid production / Commission of the European Communities. Directorate-General Environment. Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection . —  Luxembourg : Comission of the European Communities, 1990. —  37 p. ; 30 cm. —  ( Environment and quality of life)
6308     Comisión Europea
    Technical note on best available tecnologies not entailing excessive cost for hazardous waste incineration / Commission of the European Communities. Directorate-General Environment. Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection . —  Luxembourg : Comission of the European Communities, 1990. —  37 p. ; 30 cm. —  ( Environment and quality of life)
6309        Technical note on the best available technologies to reduce emissions of pollutants into the air from the refining industry : final report / Commission of the European Communities DG XI A3 . —  Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1994. —  135 p. : tab. ; 30 cm. — img
6310     Ahmed, Kulsum
    Technological development and pollution abatement : a study of how enterprises are finding alternatives to chlorofluorocarbons / Kulsum Ahmed . —  Washington, D. C. : The World Bank, 1995. —  50 p. ; 28 cm. —  ( World Bank technical paper ; 271)
6311     Martin, Edward J.
    Technologies for small water and wastewater systems / Edward J. Martín, Edward T. Martín . —  New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold, [1991]. —  366 p. : il., tab., gráf. ; 24 cm. —  ( Environmental engineering)
6312     Shaheen, Esber I.
    Technology of environmental pollution control / Esber I. Shaheen . —  2nd ed. —  Tulsa : PennWell Books, [1992]. —  557 p. : il., tab. ; 24 cm. — 
6313     The R&D Management Conference (1998. Ávila)
    Technology strategy and strategic alliances : the R&D Management Conference: Palacio de los Velada, Ávila (Spain), 30th september to 2nd october 1998 . —  [S. l. : s. n., s.a. ]. —  200 p. ; 21 cm. — 
6314     Gil Peláez, Jose
    La técnica del ´business game´ en la Escuela de Organización Industrial / Jose Gil Peláez . —  Madrid : EOI, 1962. —  98 p. ; 23 cm. — 
6315     Gil Peláez, Jose
    La técnica del ´business game´ en la Escuela de Organización Industrial / Jose Gil Peláez . —  Madrid : EOI, 1962. —  98 p. ; 23 cm. — 
6316     Congreso nacional de ingeniería (3.1991.Madrid)
    Técnica y sociedad en el umbral del siglo XXI / actas del III congreso nacional de ingeniería : celebrado en Madrid en los días 10 al 14 de Junio 1991 . —  Madrid : Instituto de la ingeniería de España, 1991. —  524 p. ; 32 cm. —  ( Vol. 1: ponencias)
6317        Técnicas analíticas para la detección de gluten en alimentos / José Manuel González ... [et al.] ; Círculo de Innovación en Biotecnología . —  [Madrid] : CEIM : Dirección General de Universidades e Investigación, [2007]. —  80 p. : il., gráf. ; 25 cm. —  ( VT : informe de vigilancia tecnológica ; 9)
6318     Díaz de Rada Igúzquiza, Vidal
    Técnicas de análisis multivariante para investigación social y comercial : (ejemplos prácticos utilizando SPSS versión 11) / Vidal Díaz de Rada Igúzquiza . —  Madrid : Ra-ma, 2002. —  XVI, 362 p. ; 24 cm. — 
6319        Técnicas de control de calidad . —  [Madrid] : Asociación española para la calidad (AECC), [1990]. —  8 v. ; 30 cm. — 
6320     Pereda Marín, Santiago
    Técnicas de gestión de recursos humanos por competencias / Santiago Pereda Marín, Francisca Berrocal Berrocal . —  Madrid : Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces, [2001]. —  317 p. ; 24 cm. —